Esri North Africa (Esri NA) awarded the Egyptian Navy Hydrographic Department (ENHD) with the “Special Achievements in GIS (SAG) Award 2023,” marking the culmination of ENHD’s dedicated efforts and recognizing the National Hydrographic Office of Egypt. This achievement underscores our organization’s vision and initiatives aimed at advancing Egypt’s maritime classification.
Unlocking Egypt’s Blue Economy Potential: Recognizing the profound power of marine spatial data in unlocking the potential of the Egyptian blue economy, in alignment with the Sustainable Development Plan 2030, ENHD has been actively constructing an optimal framework for leveraging such data since 2016. The goal is to harness its benefits, facilitate evidence-based decision-making, and ensure the optimal management of marine resources.
ENHD’s Impact on Egyptian Waters: The success of our organization in recent years is evident in the comprehensive coverage of Egyptian waters with modern, consistent, and audited hydrographic data. This accomplishment has resulted in the production of international nautical products spanning from the coast to the Exclusive Economic Zone (EZZ), fulfilling our national roles and obligations outlined in the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention.
Enhancing Maritime Activities in Egypt: With the possession of this abundant wealth of maritime spatial data, our organization has assumed a pivotal role in Egypt’s maritime domain. This entails utilizing the data to enhance the effectiveness of all maritime activities in Egyptian waters through collaboration with key partners and stakeholders.
NMSDI Project and the Path to SAG Award 2023: In alignment with global initiatives, ENHD has recognized the necessity of establishing a mechanism within the country’s maritime sector to facilitate the exchange and utilization of this substantial data wealth for the benefit of the nation. Eight years ago, ENHD initiated the groundwork for implementing the National Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (NMSDI) project for Egypt, culminating in the SAG Award 2023.